February 17, 2001
Cassie and Grandma Ester.
Elena and Great Aunt Betty.
The Roundy Family.
Mom and Drew.
The Display Table--we had everything from their teeny first diapers to their scrapbooks.
Casandria and Samuel Crane.
Cassie and Grandma Ester...AGAIN! Cassie got kind of freaked out with all the people and needed a familiar face.
Drew and Aunt Cathryn.
Great Uncle Keith and Great Aunt Myrtle.
Aunt Cathryn with Drew and Grandma Charlene with Elena.
Yes, it really is Grandma Ester and Cassie, one more time.
The Barnes Family.
6-week-old Merrill Barnes.
Royan Anderson (cousin and a cutie).
The Martin Family.
A view of the party.
Aunt Marcie and Uncle Cal with Elena.
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Drew.
Drew says, "Blowing out that candle really wore me out!"
The three birthday cakes.
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Cassie.
"Yummm...that sure is good cake!"
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Elena.
"I don't think I should be eating this!"
Drew's trying the cake.
Cassie is contemplating the taste and texture of the cake.
Aunt Carma and her family.
Elena thinks she is not a cake person.
Just hanging out with cousin Royan, who has a thing for Cassie.
"What's next?".
Erin, Josh, Spencer, and Royan Anderson.
"Drew, I really like the texture of your new shirt."
"Umm...Elena's touching me!"
"When are you going to clean this frosting off of my face?"
Mom forgot what it was like to hold babies that don't wiggle!
Cousin Erin and Cassie.
Family picture time.
With Grandma Ester and Grandpa Claudio.
With Grandma Charlene and Grandpa Hal.
With all four grandparents.
Of course, the kids are more interested in the wrapping paper than the presents.
E-mail us at seeleyfamily@worldnet.att.net.
(c) Dane Seeley, 2001